Cathy, I am going to say the thing I am sure everyone is thinking, its the answer you know is right and we have given this advice from the beginning. DO WHAT YOU CAN DO, STAND FIRM, TO HELL WITH THE IN-LAWS they are never going to change and be cordial no matter what you do. No if's, and's or but's about it....Your daughter has apparently been hypnotized by her love of her fiancee, and/or her greed. She's lucky I'm not her mother. If that hateful MIL isn't happy with your shower, hall or food, tell her to have her own for her friends and that way your daughter can have two and get even more gifts. If you allow her and them to bully you now imagine what the future holds. I am so sorry for your troubles but the answer is still that we are treated the way we allow ourselves to be treated. Get tough and earn some respect! I rarely agree with a man BUT this time I will, your husband is absolutely correct and he's the one you need to agree with on this not those miserable muches....HUGS
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