Well - enter the second chapter of the saga of the wedding. We sat down last night with my daughter and future son-in-law. It turned ugly. I am very upset and my husband is very angry and I wonder now if we will ever have a good relationship with him. My SIL (son-in-law) wanted to know how much we were going ot pay for this wedding. He proceeded to tell us that his Mother paid for that engagement party I told you all about. Now....my husband thought SIL was VERY disrespectful in some of his comments. One of which was reference to how much of a gift they got from a relative of ours. Another was his incinuation that we were not doing enough for our daughter. SIL proceeded to ask if what in terms of $$$ he can count on in gifts from our side. My husband blew his cork. We tried to tell them that if they cannot afford the wedding they want then they need to tone it down. SIL started to blame my dtr because she wanted a certain hall and they signed for it, but now he says its too expensive. This is just a tip of the iceberg that crashed thru here last night. I am very concerned about my dtr. We have never before seen this side of SIL. She is very stressed out and is coming apart at the seams. If this man is such a spoiled baby that is tied to Mom's apron strings and Mom pays for everything, what kind of a life is this going to be for her. Especially if he does not get his way with things. Anyone have any wise words for me? My husband says this is not over and he is very hurt and angry that this young man would come into our home and speak to us this way.