When I set up my website a couple of years ago, I did extensive research on the payment options available. Most were very expensive and out of my budgetary reach. I was apprehensive about using Paypal because of some of my research, but ended up going with it because it was free and the only one financially feasible for me.

It works very well, and as far as I know, I've never had a problem with it. It's very convenient for anyone wanting to buy my book directly from me, and has been very convenient for ME because I can use Paypal to pay for things on other websites (especially eBay).

I can't remember the actual steps for signing up, but it must have been fairly easy for me to have been able to do it myself...I think the instructions are fairly easy to follow...I think you have to "attach" it to an existing bank account, which made me leary, but I just went to my bank and created a special account that I then used for my Paypal only (that way, there's no connection between Paypal and my other accounts). Was that clear as mud???LOL

Anyway, others here may be able to explain that part of it better than I, but as far as putting your mind at ease, I would definitely recommend using it on your website.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)