This is fun to read.

49er, food shopping online is relatively new in MD. I've thought about it, but since I work from home (this may sound crazy) but it's nice to run to the food store on occasion and run into people I know.

Yonuh, Tell us about the classes you take and teach online. I know our generation is doing more and more of this all the time. What sites do you take classes from?

Diamond, I am afraid to get involved with Ebay. I have a SIL who's addicted. She gets things dirt cheap, but spends so much time doing it. I don' think I have the patience. What do you buy through Ebay?

PamR, I'm with you on the getting with it and paying bills online. I know I would love it, bit since I work online all day, I don't want to be on the computer again at night.

Di, staying in touch with family online is so cool. DO you get to see your sister often?

JJ, I'm glad you post at BWS a lot. I love hearing your voice. Actually, it's better by phone because I can hear that funny accent!

chatty, I'm a check writer too and my 21 year-old son doens't understand why I need a check book. Everything for him is online or his debit card.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.