I think I bought only one lottery ticket in my life, which is why I'm continually surprised by all my lottery winnings in Spain, England, Nigeria, you-name-it in my spam box.

Whenever I thought about this in the past, I always said "get a house cleaner" as my very first item -- which is why last summer I finally broke down and got one. I figured that if you want something that badly, heck, there's always a way.

If I won the lottery, I'd hire someone to finish all those household projects my husband started. Or should have started. Or I started. Maybe I'd just have an on-call handy person. A paper-filer and mess-eradicator, too.

I'd donate lots of money to medical research, and people whose homes were wiped out in natural disasters.

And buy a summer home in Canada. I love Canada. And sponsor some children on Make-A-Wish.
My handcrafted jewelry:
limited edition designs
more jewelry, plus bead supplies

Poet and essayist