I so love what you say Dotsie "at this stage of the game" for indeed there are stages.
I stayed at home from when my daughter was born then my son for 12 years. I did so much then.My friends were in the same position.Then one by one we re entered a workplace.During that time my energy was high..I did study at night school..sewed gardened cooked helped whoever needed a hand.
Then I started a term time only job in schools. I never had childcare..having same holidays bar the odd over lap.
I worked until three years ago.And resisted being at home at first.Then my days filled and I have a charmed life.I am on the cusp of a new era.I am a homemaker...again.
As the weather gets better I am plans for some trips with my husband.Days on the train...time to venture to places we have been happy in...just to touch the pavements again.
Every day is a bonus.