Hey, what does it mean when your bosses forget your birthday? Guess I suck, huh?

I work at a large law firm and am assigned to 3 attorneys and my b-day was yesterday, everyone salutated except the 3 I work for. There were gifts from another secretary wrapped on my desk, etc. But no, my three could say nothing, not at all, even though last year I bought each of them a birthday cake. All the other secretaries on my floor had birthday cakes and last year I did, but not this year. They simply snubbed me, turned their back. I am hurt and embarrassed. Yet, the two female attorneys I work for are very horrific and have treated my predecessors poorly to include mental and verbal abuse. Very Snooty gals. The man has always been kind at Christmas and birthday gifts, I would like to hope that his excuse is b/c he is so busy lately and working 10 - 12 hour days. I got a raise and 2 bonuses at Christmas of $4K, so don't know how my performance has altered in which they don't feel I need recognition. But gosh, not even a verbal acknowledgement. And to top it off, I fell on the stairs in the parking garage and bruised my foot, thus am limping, not a finger lifted and they expect me to still p/u their lunches -- the gals that is.

I simply shall not acknowledge their birthdays. Hope it does not mean I'm out the door! [Embarrassed]