Dianne, I'm in the 'weird section they haven't named yet'
I-17 and Peoria. Near the Metrocenter Mall.

Yes, oleanders love the heat here and are SO poisonous.

We have aluminet over the trees, which is also over the zinnias and basil now. And we did mist, but the calcium from the water was settling on the leaves so we stopped that. Now we're waiting for a guy to call about a mister pump he has, so we can buy it and set up the mister system. Man, Steve does a lot of work here!

Meredith, the loofahs grow on a vine. They will grow anywhere the summers are hot and long enough for the fruit to set. I didn't get them started early enough, there is no flowers on them yet, dunno if we'll have loofahs or not. Hope so. They take a LOT of water. And we pay for water here. Never did in Calif. that was an eye opener. But I sell them on the site. They are a great learning tool for kids. They can peel them, and shake the seeds out and grow them themselves. They are quite fun. And you can also use them in the shower/bath.
Thinning hair? Rosacea? Eczema?
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