Well, I did speak with her a while ago. I just haevn't gotten a chance to writing about her. I told her that I was concerned about her forgetfullness and had noticed that ever since her incident in September it seemed that she really couldn't keep up with certain things at work.She said she knows she's not as alert and actually says it's because she isn't smoking anymore. I told her maybe it could be her new medication and asked her if she had said anything to her doctor. She sadi no because she doesn't want any more test. but she sadi she would say something to him the next time she went. I also told her about the checks thing and that the accounting department had even noticed something was up. I could tell with this example she got a little down, especially when I told her that I would handlethe checks for the pubs that I did until she went back to the doctor and figured out what might be wrong.

I did go to my boss and told him I had talked to Rita and what had been happening with the checks. He was basically like, "what are we going to do." BEing the non-confrontational person that he is (and only a few years younger than our secretary) he has done nothing. I know she has been to the doctor, but she has said nothing to me. I figure she will tell me what's up, when and if she wants to.

Other than that, our relationship is the same.

Thank you all for your words of advice. I am glad that this is settled for now.