You caught me Dotsie!!..I have pretty much been acting like a kid for the past few weeks...pouting and sulking over missing my Avalon....I am doing a little better today....going shopping for annuals to fill all of the barrels in my backyard...we're hosting our annual Father's Day Crab Feast next Sunday with my family and my best friend Peggy's's always a great time....we eat hard shell crabs on the porch and listen to our grown up kids talk about their childhoods....funny...they seem to recall it quite differently than we do....lots of laughs though...all of my kids will be home except for my oldest Daughter who is still living in Washington state...great news on that front though...they are moving back east to DC in November when her husband will begin his final tour of duty with the navy at the Pentagon...I am sooooooo happy about that... [Smile]