I have been a walker off and on for many years. I like how it makes me feel....healthy, refreshed,& energized. I would be consistent for a long time. Nothing would get in my way of my walk....then it would rain, or an appointment comes up, or something. It would be enough of an excuse to break my stride. So I would quit... using the excuse I simply didn't have the time, and when I did find the time, I would tell myself I was just too tired. So that would be the end of my walking regime for the time being....AGAIN! But later down the road, I would always start the walking routine again. This game has gone on for about 20 years with me. I have a quote that I keep on my frig. that Mother Teresa said, "God doesn't require us to succeed; He only requires that you try." So here I go again...trying to move my feet. I have started walking daily for about 2 weeks now. I roll out of bed about 5:15 A.M. and quickly change clothes, feed my cats, and out the door by 5:30 with my feral bed hair that I forget to run a brush through first. But oh, well. I'm not here for anyones viewing pleasure. [Wink] It is hard to roll my 50 year old butt out of bed at that time of morning, but it is the most peaceful, quiet, beautiful part of the day. All I can hear is the birds singing, a oot owl, and a rooster off in the distance. I feel the freshness of the morning air on my skin and then I see the sunrise... what beauty to behold....a new day, a new start to try again. I feel blessed and so close to God in that quiet time of the morning, and I spend my morning walk talking to Him.

I know sooner or later, an excuse will appear....but I know if I am blessed enough to have another day, I will try again! [Smile]