I walk my dog every day. And he loves it. He so looks forward to it, that around 5:00 pm each day, he starts asking me to go for a walk. I can't refuse him, he looks so eager and pitiful that I guilt myself into taking him.

Whatever works, right?

I really do look forward to the walk. We live on a deadend street near the end, so I walk to the corner and back. We know most of our neighbors and wave and stop and talk here and there. Jack (my dog) watches for squirrels, cats, birds, and whatever else he can try to chase. I don't let him, but that doesn't stop him from trying.

During this time of the year the Jasmine is in bloom and the whole neighborhood smells wonderful. I love it during orange blossom season too, there's nothig like smelling orange blossoms.

Walking is a nice way to clear your head and re-focus.

Jack and I don't walk far, but we walk every day for about 15 - 20 minutes. It gets us out of the house. Which is a big deal for me because I have anxiety and sometimes have a hard time leaving the house.

Do you know that walking helps build bone density? It's a great thing for us menopausal women when we're losing it more during this time of our lives.

Walk for your health, both mental and physical.