I'm right there with you, ladies,

Staying at home with NIchole, I neither had nor have medical insurance for myself, no life ins, retirement nor savings. I, too will work til I drop. But hey, what else would I be doing? I don't golf~~~~! My father retired early from a teaching career at age 55, sold their house, and built a nicer, bigger one on Kentucky Lake, where they spent their retirement...('course he always worked building houses and such during summers), but here I am, at nearly 59 and haven't even gotten started on my career!!! Oh well, lots of people started blooming at 60 or later!!!!!!

Maritza, that's a hard place to be in. There is no type of intstitutional setting that can replace home. If you are thinking of early retirement, is there any way through social services, that you could bring your parents home, then have people to come in and help? My friend did this with her son, and the state provided the in-home care expenses rather than pay the exhorbitant intstitutional prices. You have to dig a little, because they don't want the general public knowing they provide this service, I believe because of the trouble they have monitoring the service provided and also, it puts other people outof a job. Good luck to you!

How are you friend, Flipper? Sounds like you're having your fair share of trouble - as if you already haven't! What web business are you getting into? Bull semen, now that sounds like a fun job!!! Good grief! Those must be some good-lookin' bulls! Say - how 'bout getting them into show biz - the cheese industry in Cal. must be making a fortune on their commercials !!!@#@!