The verse in the Bible that states, Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free, applies here too. As long as you know the truth about yourself, it doesn't matter what some crazy relative says about you to anyone. They bury themselves in a very deep and dark hole when they do this and it isn't a nice place to be. They may act like they enjoy doing this but in reality, they are very unhappy people.

But, like Chatty, when someone is talking trash about a family member that I love, I can get very antagonistic. I had to do it with my ex husband who was telling people my youngest daughter wasn't his child. I sent him a letter and told him I was going to force him to take a paternity test and then, I was going to sue him for slander. I also told him he should try to sober up for once in his life. I sent him into rehab! Today, the old drunk has a brain tumor and has actually shrunk his brain from a life time of drinking.