LOL, Bluebird.

Mine was out at the bar again tonight then went home to HIS huge house. He called me this evening and I didn't want to answer the phone, but, of course, I did....I wasn't very nice to him. He got a 20 somethings phone number last night right in front of me and downloaded it in his phone. What am I, invisible???!!!

I'm feeling lonely and abandoned tonight, but at least I didn't drink... [Big Grin]

I'll find myself again. Maybe someday I'll love myself enough to attract a nice man like the husband who passed away.

I think I married this a**Ho** because I failed to save my husband's life and didn't think I deserved anyone else as nice as he was. I will always wonder if I could have saved his life but the coroner said there were too many complications surrounding his heart attack like a massive blood clot in his caratoid artery.

I miss him terribly.