I admire a man strong in only things like taking care of the cars, the up keep of the home (outside) and inside when something breaks or needs adjusting. My Father was that kind of a man, he had the most beautiful yard and garden on the block always and he did all the plumbing, electrical, painting, carpentry etc, he was as neat as a pin, one could say meticulous. Unfortunately he was as crazy as a loon...certifiable! Mother handled the inside things, kids, cooking, cleaning, gifts, family doings etc., critical at times. Its the way I would love it to be in my own home but out of three husbands NONE knew what side of a hammer to use. MY first was okay because my dad did everything for us, the second was rich and paid to have everything done, the third (yuk-phooey) and the worst of the three was and is a joke. A book smart political historian thats lucky he can cross the street by himself. I certainly messed up in the husband category...