I've often tried to analize why I seem to be attracted to what I consider strong yet abusive men. I'm a strong woman. But my dad is a minister and my mom a typical minister's wife. To my parents, pleasing the church people was all important.

We weren't allowed to talk back or express opinions contrary to what our parent's believed and taught at home. I love my parents very much, respect them and have forgiven them, but I think I was taught to take a lot and never to talk back. I was very sensitive as a child and wanted very much to please my parents. That has carried over to adulthood.

I am a people pleaser and peace at most any price. I seem to "need" places and people "bigger" "stronger" more "powerful" than I am. I live near the ocean where I can feel the power. I love the mountains, bold colors, and exotic foods. I couldn't stand to live in the plains or with really nice people for long.

My idea of hell would be to live in the middle of Kansas, in a wheat field, with a really nice man who treated me like I would break.

I really don't like men who are "in touch with their feminine side." In my way of thinking, I may as well be married to a woman and as we all know, that certainly won't happen!

I like to be in charge of the kitchen and the household. I like to be the main one handling the children. Men who are strong yet kind and thoughtful are attractive to me. Trouble is, they get too much like the ocean during a hurricane...