
I would like to thank you for your bravery. It would be hard to post that here. And maybe I should add, there should be a forum for the "Abuse of God" (or Harietta). It has sadly been too many experiences of mine, that our sorry human plight has placed much too importance on what Harietta can do , rather than what WE can do.

So here I go on MY soapbox - I feel that God, Or Harietta, or George, or Whomever - is WAAAAAAAAAAAY smarter than I am. But I'm pretty smart. As smart goes anyhow.... Harietta gave me this. And genetics. (My Mother and Father were pretty smart!) So.

I have the wherewhithal to manage my own affairs. At least to a degree. And to put God or Harietta as the scapegoat for my failures, is an abomination....

I have known people who pray over what furniture they should buy. To me, this is just plain ridiculuous... In my mind, Harietta has much more important things to consider - like genocide for instance. Just for an instance.

So, yes, take responsibility over your life - Harietta gave you what you have, and I believe you are expected to use it. If you are in need of more help than you are getting - go to a professional. The church is for spirtuality, not escape.

I think I am sounding somewhat mean. But this makes me angry when I could have blamed God or Harietta or George for my Nichole's infirmities. But I did not. And still do not. She was a part of this world, and the world is not perfect.....If this world were perfect, we would already be in Heaven...or something like that. I grieve her death more than I ever thought I could grieve anything . Almost a year later, I still am just a shadow of myself, reduced to great sobs at a moment's timing. A song, a reference, a thought.....but I know I am but one. Many, many Mothers have been in such pain.... Now is the time to call upon God. Harietta. George.

Even so, it is still MY responsibility to manage my life. Harietta or God, need not spend her time "fixing" my life. I, after all, am smart, and have the ability to fix my own life. Or so I hope....

I don't intend to be intolerant on this issue, but , I beg you, take Dianne's words to heart, she knows what she's talking about....Hear her.
