Hello Lynnie.. the 'mount cashel scandal' in canada opened discussions here of the physical, emotional and sexual abuse of boys.

I've come to believe because women, like yourself, have been willing to share their stories and the need for healing, young male victims of sexual abuse have been encouraged to speak out and seek help.

Just as gender makes no difference in our need for protection and love, it makes no difference when it comes to pain, fear, anger.

I've also come to believe there are many older men who were molested or raped when boys, but who will never talk about it for a number of reasons.

And they, just like female victims, will self destruct in various ways and unintentionally hurt those closest to them along the way until they start to heal.

And the joy you mentioned, the joy which should be part of everyone's life, is not theirs or those who live with them, until healing begins.
Though it be one small step at a time, healing can take place.

I'm not sure if what i've said here is relevent to what we've been talking about, but wanted to share these thoughts, as it seems many of us in this site think along the same lines on many things.