Your aunt has my empathy Dotsie, if she's still alive please give her a hug from me. I remember one patient who had been c/o pain in the groin area, the doctor (???) put half the electrode (? i cant remember the right word) any way put it on her pubic bone and gave her a shot of electricity, then turned to us, smiled and quietly said 'that'll keep her from complaining about that'.

A small incident, but maybe it explains some of a patient's situation in those hell holes.

Oh God, some of those in power at that time.... and the top god's there were always male.

To answer your question.. because i was pregnant i got married right after grad. That's 1965 eh, people did not have 'children out of wedlock' then. It was groundbreaking then, to say i was even pregnant before i was married. The norm then was to have 'premature babies' who surprise, surprise were 8 plus pounds.

I did not renew my licence when the time came 5 years later. I had enough on my plate by then. And besides, i had come to the firm belief that the 'experts' knew ...... all.

Having had the ticket though did open doors to in other situations. Thanks for asking Dotsie.