I agree with Chatty. Movies and television are playing a big part in instagating violence. I won't watch a Eddie Murphy movie because one of his characters slapped an elderly woman in one of his stupid movies. I will also not watch Woody Allen because of his pedophile ways.

It's difficult to say if violence has increased (dv) or more people are reporting it. Men have a harder time admitting their wife is abusing them. "A real man wouldn't let that happen." which really means, he would hit her back.

The NDVH can't keep up with their calls. They have a machine that translates 187 languages and they don't have enough funding to keep all of the phone lines manned. It's not only increasing in numbers, according the them, but in violence. Our technology is being used against us...cell phones have become the latest weapon when used to beat a woman on the head.

Blaming the victim no longer flys, thank goodness. But, even with shelters available, we need transitional housing and job training so the victims can be on their own and not be forced into returning to an abuser because she doesn't have the money to feed, clothe or provide a roof over their heads.