I know what you mean, Bluebird. Why do you think it is that people think you are being hurtful or hateful when you take a stand against a "thing" but not a "person"?

Its not the face on the person. Its not the beautiful, wonderful creation you are attacking or condemning or judging. It seems impossible for people to separate the person from the acts they perform.

If I met a man who was a carpenter, I wouldn't refer to him as James Carpenter, he would be a man named James who does carpentry. I can separate the deed from the man. I might love the man to pieces but hate his work. He might be a terrible carpenter and his work might be dangerous to the tenants of the building he's helping to build. Am I wrong for alerting him and the people he is building for that his works are dangerous? Am I hating James for being a lousy carpenter? Was he born a lousy carpenter? Was lousy carpentry in his genes? Could his parents tell when he was 3 that he probably would grow up to be a lousy carpenter? Maybe. But James is a good man, a great person, sweet and a good son and brother. He is still a lousy carpenter. Sorry. He can improve by going to school to learn how to be better or he can change vocations....

Could it be that people can't accept that there is a thing called sin and that we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God?

Its not being arrogant because I'm probably the biggest sinner of all. How could I condemn James for being a carpenter when his building was condemned long ago by the building association president? I feel sorry for James. He's a great guy and so is his family.

Does that make sense? I don't like pit bulls either. I think they are predisposed genetically to destroy. Some would argue that its all in the way they are raised. I don't happen to agree. I love dogs. Pit bulls are especially handsome dogs. But their owners have a responsibility to not condone their behavior and to take responsibility for their uniqueness and train them, corral them, watch them, cage them not pass legislation to place pitbulls in the same category with poodles or cocker spaniels and place all three breeds in daycares for children to play with.

Am I making any sense here at all??