Well a mystic is a person who is used by the Holy Spirit, to heal or prophesy, or whatever else God chooses for them. It is wrong to seek out these "powers" for yourself, because the devil will use you to work through. But if you are not trying to make contact with the spirit world (mediums) or ask for information about the future (astrology, crystal balls, tarot cards) then these things can be from God. He may want to use you to warn people of things or to heal or whatever. You have to be careful and ask God to bind the evil one and show you if these things are from Him.
Think about it. In the Old Testament, Moses saw and spoke with God (he wasn't seeking it) and God used him to part the Red Sea, bring water from a rock, etc. Joseph didn't ask God for dreams or the interpretations, but God needed him to do this. Ezekiel and Daniel had visions that God gave them. In the New Testament, Peter, James and John saw Moses and Elijah speaking to Jesus. That wasn't from the devil. The whole book of Revelation was about visions from God to John on Patmos.
You are covered by the blood of Christ and this may be His calling for you.