I have to say this about the Crouches. Off screen, they are very quiet, shy people. I can't stand the money-grabbing preachers they have on the show and really, I haven't watched their show for many years.

Why is it they tell "us" that God will provide all of our needs and they beg for money? I guess this means we will provide all of their needs with our donations.

And Flipper, I've received letters telling me how I'm lost, yada. I believe a lot of these church going people are control freaks.

I know there are some who truly care about our souls but then, there are those who consider it a feather in their cap to convert someone.

Number5, I believe in psychics and the like. I feel God gave all of us different talents to help others and I'd be curious to know why some considered you a seer.

In TN, when I did attend church, it was Unity. No judgment of others and beautiful sermons that uplifted, not condemned. I will never allow another person to tell me how to live my life. God is my guide.