Are you my long lost sister?? Your story sounds exactly like mine.

I used to go to church faithfully, Sunday morning, night, Wednesday night service, GA's, weddings, I sang with my then husband who also played the trumpet...you get the picture, right??

I hate what I see has happened to the "church". I can't stand Trinity Broadcasting and the Crouches. She makes my stomach turn and he needs a nose-ectomy....sorry....I consider most of the people who appear on Trinity charlatains, money grubbers, Pharasees, and I totally reject the whole materialism based, God loves you so much that he will give you anything you want to include a new Mercedes and a million dollar house.

Which, in itself isn't all bad, but God doesn't give everyone all those things. They weren't meant to have them...

I've been called a seer, a claravoiant, a witch, a powerful person in the Edgar Cayce movement, so many things, but I cling to my personal and intimate relationship to Christ like a drowning man clings to a lifering in the middle of the ocean.

My love for Christ so completely outweighs all life throws at me and keeps me solid and my feet firmly planted. Its becaue of him that I'm able to breath and put one foot in front of the other.

I knew there was something I liked about you, lady. You have a lot of spunk.