Ah, there is the big question: What is man made and what isn't?

You can never ask me anything too personal. I'm an open book and it ain't no mystery novel! [Big Grin]

I became a Christian in 1976. Hey, I was even a gospel singer on Trinity Broadcasting. That, and some loose change might get you a phone call.

Who would or do I trust my soul too? God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit. When I pray, it's always ended with, "in Jesus'name."

But, I also see myself as a spiritual woman, if that makes sense. I'm trying to think of a way to explain this. Okay, here's my attempt: I no longer go to church but study the Bible on my own. I don't like reformed religion and I don't like the politics in the church. I don't like women who share something they were told in secret at a prayer group as a form of gossip, mentioned so the others could pray. "I'm only telling you this so you can pray."

I believe that God teaches me in all of His infinite wisdom as I study, on my own and draw my own conclusions/beliefs. I believe I'm being led by Him, at all times.

I try to accept and love other's beliefs. At the risk of seriously bothering someone (I apologize in advance!) I used to detest the Mormon religion. I think it was because I had a friend who was Mormon but not really practicing it and suddenly, became heavily involved. Without fail, each time we got together she would say something derogatory toward my faith, while building hers up. She took me to what was supposed to be a woman's luncheon, only to discover I was the only one there who wasn't Mormon and of course, they all discussed their faith. Truthfully, it ended our friendship.

It wasn't only what they believed but the fact that they felt I was wrong and needed to be converted! Like they were right and I was wrong, no matter what!

Because of this and after I worked through my feelings about that faith, I began to open up to other people's beliefs. I didn't have the right to tell them they were wrong and I was right or vice-versa.

Now, this is probably much more than you ever cared to know, right?