That's a good idea. I don't have a folder, but I do have a notebook where I write down my ideas so they don't get forgotten.

When we were out shopping for the paint for the living room, we already had discussed the colour options extensively and had one picked out (after comparing it to fabric samples to make sure it was the best colour for the carpet and furniture). But for some strange reason, hubby came along at the last minute, picked out a completely different colour and thought it would be better. I don't know why I went along with him, but we bought the paint and brought it home. I insisted we try a little patch in an obscure piece of wall. I hated it. And knew it wouldn't go with everything. So after a few hours, I told him we had to go back and get the original agreed-upon colour. We did, and he agrees it was a much better choice. So now we have several tins of this other colour, which I've decided will actually work best in one of the spare bedrooms (where I don't have to see it very often!)