Dotsie, your den sounds like the perfect place to sit and post here! My living room would be too if I had a laptop. Our computer is relatively old, and in the very cold (but finished) basement. I have to type a lot (and type fast) just to keep warm!

It's hard to put that decorating cap down! Now that the living room is done, my mind has moved on to the next project, though hubby's definitely not ready for another one until this time next year! The main hallway is my next target. It starts at the front door, opens to the kitchen/dining area, ends at the living room, and does a turn down the stairs to the basement. The wall going down to the basement is covered with family started with a couple of them a few years ago, and is now a massive photo gallery which everyone loves. It takes new people 30-40 minutes to make it down the stairs now! We have to repaint the hallway walls and put some of those "chair rail type thingy's" along the basement stairs.

Sigh. I do love decorating - I don't like having to wait!