Being an avid recycler and environmentalist, I installed a counter made of recycled glass when I remodeled my kitchen a couple years ago. Pieces of colored glass are embedded in a material similar to cement. The finished product looks similar to terrazo flooring and it's gorgeous. You can choose the color (or 4 colors in my case) of glass, the sizes you want the glass pieces to be, and the color of the base material. You can even supply your own glass (so if your family owns a brewery, for example, you can use pieces of broken beer bottles). The finished product feels like marble and needs to be maintained about the same.

I can't tell you the pleasure I get from seeing light shining through some of the pieces of glass. It's very beautiful.

If you're interested, check out; they have pictures on their website. I know other companies are making a similar product but I don't know the company can always do a google search.