We took out some equity in our house for some remodeling projects. We have a list of them to do, and we're kind of floundering about which ones would be best for the house and which ones we should work on first.

I was wondering of those of you with experience, where should we start first? I'm not real thrilled about having strangers in my house for a long time, so those projects that will need contractors, maybe we should have them done first and out of the way? Or is there another way I should be looking at it?

Here's my list of projects (not in any particular order)
1. Lanai over pool, resurface pool
2. Screen in back patio
3. Kitchen cabinets, counters, wallpaper
4. New A/C unit for the house
5. master bathroom, re-paint walls, retile shower
6. 3 bedrooms - put in hardwood floors

I'm one of those "collectors" that has a lot of STUFF around. Boxes and boxes of stuff. My husband too. We're well matched that way. We'd be doing some major moving of STUFF to do the floors in each bedroom. But, hey, it might be the perfect incentive to go through all that stuff and pare down to what is absolutely necessary and throw out the rest.

So, any suggestions or am I a hopeless cause?