My brother had a job working for an elderly greek gentleman for 10 years, he stocked shelves in this mans tobacco and candy shop. His boss knew of his cvondition and was okay with it. My brother had a small apartment and was able to take care of himdself although Mother always went there, left food and checked on him. I would clean his house and do his laundry back then for him. He mnet and married a nioce woman with an adorable little boy. She was a waitress that had been abused by her ex in another state and was working and hiding from him in Indiana. After several years she met some guy and they ran off together breaking my brothers heart. His seizures got worse not long after when his boss old Mike died and the store closed. My brother tried and tried but was unable to find work and get it together so he moved into moms house and has been wih her ever since. He is the only son and has a special place in her heart having been ill all of his life.. Someone once said, my mother stays alive because she worries about leaving my brother alone...?