Hi Dotsie
Zinged...I hope that's good...I find that we've all been sucked in at one time or another. It took me a long time to move away from being sucked in and sometimes I still get suckered...usually by my own fear.

All of our systems are designed to keep us busy, not to think because if we think that might threaten the status quo and the money doesn't like that...policy is geared to separate us from our time and money in all avenues of life. Economics has really become the dean of living, not life itself.

I think it is important that we all realize that the most important thing is just to love ourselves...everything else can wait...now that's a decision most would feel guilt over but we've been conditioned by guilt to fulfill the requests of those or systems outside of us.

Seems like the systems are getting the best of it...but really the systems are all breaking down right now and what is required is a whole consciousness change at the mass level where the heart has precedent over the fear that we've all been taught!

And Dotsie...I do get sucked in to! I had to make a point of being aware...which has been my work for me...staying aware because it feels like crap when you get sucked in! In essence, you're being sucked into a lower vibration where the feelings and essence of crap and drama live! Yuck!

The most important thing is to do that which gives you joy, or see differently that which you do every day, if it doesn't give you joy! That's what I've found. I think you're a great lady Dotsie...just a little too hard on yourself, which I am on myself and am learning to relax now...because being hard on oneself lowers one's energy which causes us to get sucked in again...a merry go round!

This is to all the lovely ladies!

Have a happy spirit and to hell with the consequences...The consequences of what...spreading more joy with happiness. What is greater....your joy...or your worry!

And Dianne, thank God for Mae West. We had to start somewhere as a female race and that came with a little defiance of the status quo! The status quo that wanted to define a woman's role in life and keep her quiet!

Ladies....follow your dream and speak out! But most of all learn from it and grow happier!

With love