
I'd like to mention something Dotsie. Depression and the various states of our mind are based on energies. Energy constantly changes. When one energy touches another, both energies are affected. In the mind, various chemicals are affected by energy. So depression is actually a depressed state of energy. But where did it come from. The mind. We are all made up of various energies and are danced around by the energies of others and what is around us, whether it is circumstances, or drama.

The mind itself is also affected by energy as is every aspect of our bodies, our spirits, our hearts, our souls and our physicality.

What we put in our mind, every single thought, is a piece of energy that either benefits the whole of us or doesn't benefit the whole of us.

Dotsie with regard to being 'scattered' and attributing that to age, it is really just the mind being affected by too many energies at once, and the mind thinking it is in charge when in fact our spirit is in charge.

Alot of the time we listen to what is in the mind, its fears, its worries, its conflict over time(that's a big one) when in fact if we look at time, which is our biggest conflict as we get 'older', not as linear but as vertical the worry stops and the mind calms down because it is in the now. The now is actually the spiritual vibration that we are vibrating in in the moment. The mind has actually ceased to exist because in essence we are not experiencing the energy of the mind.

There is only one moment in time that builds...and that is the now. There is no future except for the now because we are always in the now. In fact, the mind understanding future as we are taught, as a linear line where we have only 80 or so years of our lives to live in, which is also a fallacy, actually promotes the degredation of the human body because we have actually made the decision that this is the truth, therefore the energy within us has to degrade to a lower vibration for different systems in our bodies to degrade. (It is how we think that affects matter). W

When in fact, if we look at vertical time, where the only thing that exists is the now, then we are not causing stress on the body. It is a state where one moves into 'no mind' because in fact the mind is just a receptacle that holds information and is constantly trying to sort it out looking for answers, when in fact the answers we are looking for are actually in the form of inspired consciousness which exists at a higher plain within our spiritual energies and it does not exist in the mind. So, inevitably the mind is in constant conflict.

Thus, real thought, inspired thought which lies outside the mind is the antidote to a happy uncomplicated life.

The mind's job is to listen to the spirit and by listening to the spirit, all of the fear goes, all of the angst goes because the mind itself finally realizes that it doesn't have to come up with all the answers, because inevitably it isn't the mind's job to do that. The only job of the mind is to secure the data from the spirit and follow the spirit's direction.

And when I say spirit, I'm not talking about religion. The spirit within everyone has a greater consciousness than the mind because it vibrates at a greater speed. In other words its particles are moving faster than the particles of the mind.

The spiritual aspect with regard to consciousness is relative to inspired thinking, a place of 'no mind' where you are in the 'zone' as it were, while you are in the 'doing' at the same time.

This is a place of no time. In this place the body does not feel stress. In fact it is experiencing a blissful energy that feeds the QI, or life force within the body.

It is our mind's that deplete our life force and eventually the mind itself because we are not taught any spiritual principles with regard to how the spirit and mind work. We are taught 'religious principles about the spirit' but that is not relative to the truth about how the spirit actually works.

I thought I'd add this...with regard to the word 'sin' because alot of people get hung up on it because they've been lambasted by churches over the sin in the body etc.... which is what causes guilt, more fear, anger, etc.

Our bodies only exist because of energy and the energy we allow into our bodies. Aside from the life force we were given energy comes in in different ways, through the food we eat, through our thoughts, and through our actions, our emotions and feelings. Remember, we are all spiritual beings, which means energy beings, the body in itself is just matter which is affected only by the mind, the spirit, the soul, our thoughts, our feelings and our emotions.

If we can sort out who we are, the energy and quality of energy in our minds, our hearts, our spirits and our emotions and our feelings by being aware of the thoughts that we let into our minds (and by the way, different types of thoughts exist on different planes of energy, all thoughts having different energies.


If we're tired, or have overdone it, our energy will drop and we are susceptible to a LOWER plane of thought, a lower vibration of thought BECAUSE OUR ENERGY CANNOT REACH THE SPIRITUAL PLANE OF ENERGY, which consists of inpsired thought and those thoughts containing a great deal of QI or life force which actually feeds our bodies.

How to stay in the upper vibrations of clear thought that is brought in through the spirit requires balance, good food, clean water, proper excercise and most importantly proper sleep and rest, otherwise we get danced around by a plane of energy and we don't even recognize that that is happening.

Do not berate yourself if you get 'scattered' etc. Intention and attention come from the 'spirit' your intention and keep your attention focused. IE even if you are just eating an apple keep your attention on the apple, being aware of intention and attention will help you stay out of the mind dancing around, and listen to your body when it is tired, rest and your focus will become stronger.

Overload...that is a word that deals with the mind's fear of not being able to cope. To deal with the word 'overload' go to the moment and erase everything on your days to-do list and feel what you or your body wants to do in the moment. Lists come from the mind, the moment comes from the heart and spirit.

I hope I haven't overdone it here Dotsie...just wanted to help. So many of us are trying to live up to the magazine articles on how to have it all and cope as well. It isn't about 'having it all'(that's the mind's desire) as magazine articles's about living only in the moment for only in the moment do we find peace and God and what we are to do in that given moment.

We may be given goals and our spirits may direct us but it isn't for us to run ourselves into the ground to accomplish our mission, it is for the moment to direct us. The mind thinks otherwise, it wants to take over and plan everything and give us lists so it can feel comfortable. When in fact it just makes us feel miserable. The moment directs us, not the mind. Why, because the mind has no concept of time. It only understands linear time which it has been taught. It doesn't understand the moment because when we are in the moment the mind ceases to exist because we are now in our spiritual bodies energy which is directing us.

You have a lovely heart Dotsie, sometimes its best to just enjoy the moment and let the mind go. The greatest rest comes in not listening to the mind.

Believe me, I've been there. Driven like you wouldn't believe. It took me many years to let go which I had to do to start the healing process.
With love