I think I have a slightly different (although not altogether) viewpoint here, DJ. I'll see if I can articulate it. I came across this site as a writer who has strong ties with "sisters" in my own spiritual community and in a community of old friends. I'm on other writers' lists but there is not the comaraderie there as on this site. It wasn't until after I first posted that I realized that this was, in many ways, a Christian site and given that I'm Wiccan, that could have been very uncomfortable--even unworkable. I still do feel that I need to tread carefully; I'm sure some women are as uncomfortable with my spirituality as I might be with theirs. But what keeps me coming back? The sharing, caring and openness and definitely the sense of sisterhood that comes across. That's something I think we have in common. And, I'll admit, I'm one of those people who always wants to hear both sides of things and am curious about people who think or live differently than I do. It's often difficult to get past those differences to learn about each other. This is one of those places where I think it just might be possible.

Dream of the Circle of Women
by Dahti Blanchard
published May 2004 by Spilled Candy Books
visit: www.dahtiblanchard.com