I'm pretty excited. Not only do I have my books in most of the local stores, but on Monday I was invited to set up a table in one of the downtown merchants to be there for the annual Christmas walk. I quickly contacted the newspaper who got my press release in the next day and did a great job, third page of the paper where all the local news is located. EVERYONE who takes the paper reads that page. Anyway, I went last night, was there for three hours and sold nine books, and I have to deliver four more tomorrow. Many came in because of the press release in the paper and the store owner said they had a larger crown than they usually have and she was sure I brought in extra business. Their shop is a florist shop and gets very little walk in traffic even on Christmas Walk night. I'm pretty excited about how things are going.

I am supposed to pick a weekend in January and I will have a book signing in a local book store and the paper has asked to do a profile of me and my book right before the signing. I can hardly curb my excitement! Things are popping and it isn't even released nationally yet! I only have about 34 books left from the initial shipment of 125, so I think I'm doing pretty well. Course I don't have anyone to compare with, but I know I'm happy!
