Grusskot(SP) Hannelore,

I had heard that if I wanted to make someone in Heidelberg angry, I just say Grusskot and not Guten Tag. For you ladies that are not aware. Grusskot is the Bavarian greeting. Bavaria and the rest of the former W. Germany are not the best of friends. Kind of like our Yankees and Southerners about 50 years ago.

JJ, I left Germany in 1995 and I can only tell you what my opinion is based on pre-1995.

When I first moved back to the States, I was excited about this fresh start. Four months later, I was ready to move back to Germany. I really missed the atmosphere and the laid back attitude there. Then I became concerned about my daughter because I sensed that she was expected to be perfect. When we first moved here, I was pestered a great deal about having to put her on ritalin. She was sad at the same time because she had a big adjustment to make and she was only 6 at that time. So I wondered if we didn't make a mistake in moving back here.

But now, I would go there to Germany for an extended vacation. We are so spoiled here in the States, and that includes me, LOL.

Here are some of the cons as far as living in Germany. There are not too many opportunities there for just anybody. In other words, if you want to fulfill a dream and you are willing to work at it, there may not be an opportunity like there would be in the US. The stores were always closed early, so on Saturdays, you definitely needed to be up by 8AM if you wanted to take care of personal business. There isn't much competition and a store cannot go on sale except 2 times a year. That is when all the stores can do that at the same time. Basically no competition. Therefore; the customer service was seriously lacking.

The pros of living there. The traveling, the outdoor/indoor cafes, and the restaurants. The castles and the scenery are out of this world. Now what I just said about customer service. The friendship is opposite. German's make the best of friends and they are your friends for life. I felt safe there as well. I like the fact that you are not expected to be perfect over there. There is a time to work and there is a time to relax. It isn't the hustle and bustle as we have here. There isn't too many hang up either.

As I said, I am basing this on how Germany was before 1995. Things might have changed since then.

There are times I miss the lifestyle there. But I have become accustomed to the conveniences here that it may be difficult for me to live in Germany again. Now, I didn't have internet when I was there and that might make a difference too.

Sorry I took so long to answer, I am now trying to get my house ready to put it on the market. We are trying to downsize now and we are looking to move into a condo. Unfortunately, we have to sell this place first, Ugh. Which means I have been trying to declutter, and that is always fun. Yippee! NOT!
