No one without a child or children can understand what all the hullabloo is about, no one. Just as no one can understand what its like to be filthy rich if they never have been or what its like to have cancer if they've never had it. We can sympathize, we can act interested and be sincere to a point but thats about it. Children are our futures, without them the world as we know it would cease to exist, thats a fact! So we honor Mothers and Fathers once a year. By honoring them are we dishonoring those who aren't parents, 'NO' of course not. I am an animal activist as Dotsie said but never bring it up unless asked and I am a mom too, I understand about having kids and yet I am sometimes sick to death of all the chatter from some about their little Johnnie or Susie pie so I can only imagine how sickening it can be to those who don't have a clue what parenthood really means. I say honor each individual for their own particular accomplishments, whatever they are and be patient with the endless chatter from some parents because their children may be their only worthwhile accomplishment. Children especially many children at once have a way of taking over ones life, they become their life, they have no time for anything else....they need to vent, try to be understanding or just walk away politely. I've had to, many many times. [Roll Eyes]

[ May 12, 2006, 06:22 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]