Eagle, I think therapists can be invaluable when we are having a bout of depression, a family situation or getting over our childhood issues. Sometimes I think we expect too much out of them though.

The first time I went to a counselor was when I was getting divorced from my first husband. She did help me, but I attended the same church as her and heard that she was divulging personal information about some people. I couldn't go back to her after that because I am a very private person. The next counselor was wonderful, and I went to her for years. After my second marriage was going bad because I shortly discovered my ex was a mean alcoholic, she said I was so ready to give up because my dad was the same way. In other words, there was something wrong with ME! Duh, I was proud of myself for not hanging around for more abuse.

It seemed that for so many years I tried and tried and tried so hard to just be satisfied - I realize life is not about being "happy". I pored out my heart to my journal, friends and therapists, and I learned that when I am feeling bad, the best therapy is retail. he-he Just kidding. I haven't seen anyone since, except for one time recently, but she was really clueless. I think I've learned that my decisions (and instincts) are usually right and when they're not I just live with it.

Today I had a job interview and it went really well. I'm really excited about it. The interviewer even asked to contact him if I get another offer. Who woulda thunk it? I don't know why I am so hard on myself. I sometimes have to have a talk with myself about lightening up a little and giving myself a break.
