Dianne, these kinds of statements and attitudes make me so angry...how dare people, especially Christians, make such outlandish unloving declarations about God. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is what God is...people just don't understand the concept of that word "unconditional". We put all kinds of conditions and parameters around what's acceptable in God's eyes, but it really says more about our own limitations and imperfections than about God...we project our own incapability to love unconditionally onto God and declare that imperfect image of perfection to BE God. But it ain't so. Those projected limited images of God are very toxic, dangerous and UNloving.

IMO, if it doesn't uplift, edify, bring light, healing and make you feel MORE loved than before, it isn't the Truth about God. Unconditional love builds us up, accepts and loves us for who we are and at the same time shows us that there's infinitely more possibility, not to make us feel worse about ourselves, but to bring hope and encouragement.

If other people's images and words about God don't do that - make us feel loved and hopeful about ourselves and life - if those words push our noses into the muck and make us feel less than loved - then we need to question those words and images.