So, glad you shared this. So important for everyone to recognize.

I've had bouts of depression off & on for many years.
At one point my dad came to live with us, he was very sick...but, wouldn't go to a doctor. He made me promise to never call a ambulance, even if he passed out.
Needless to say, therapy was needed. Stayed on anti-depressant for couple of years.

One of my son's has ADHD and ODD, he's better now... thank the Lord. But, when he was a teenager it was absolutly unbelievable. Building bombs, sucidal, constant trouble at school.
He spent a year away in a hospital setting.
Yet another time for therapy.

Yet again I'm depressed. Mainly due to my heart med's Lopressor & Nifedipine
Causes an array of side effects...depression being one.
Have tried several anti-deppressants, just can't seem to get past the first week on any of them. Worst part of my day is after waking up in the morning, the not wanting to move, helplessness, sadness.
Crying, but I see that as a good thing...release.

Made an appointment last month & went to a woman psychiatrist. Thinking, being a woman she will understand the heart, menopause, blood pressure thing.
She actually laughed out loud at one point. Snickering behind her notebook.
Was I amused... NO. Felt so hurt and shamed, not sure if that shame & hurt was for me or her.
She charged $200.00 an hour for the embarrassment.

My medicines serve two purposes, one to control variant angina the other high blood pressure.
Maybe, she should have been in the cardio ward with me. Frightened and scared... would I ever see my family again. Wondering if every breath was your last. Geez, do people really not care any more. Think I read a post here the other day here about morals and values. Are they still alive in the world?
Anyways, therapy is not at the top of my list right now.

You are right....winter months & dreary days are the worst.

Truth is, I have found a lot of peace & light right here.


When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.