Wow...what a nice message to wake up too. I doubt my crown will fit today as my starving ego has been fed. There is nothing more satisfying to a writer than to know their work has been well received. I promise you that it is more rewarding than money. I'm sure you know this too.

My humble heart wants to thank your thoughts. You've inspired me to reach new heights today.

I also want to thank you for appreciating my beloved South. Every place in this great country of ours has it own type of beauty... I know because I've been fortunate enough to see bits and pieces, although not enough of it! I want more. Maybe one day I will be lucky enough to also visit Canada and see first hand all of the beautiful places I've only seen via pictures and web sights. I would love to do so. I have a gypsy spirit. Mamma use to say I always had my "going britches" on. Still do!

Thanks again for being so supportive of my work. You've been elevated to my expensive Christmas gift list. No, you don't get squat, but hey, you're on the list! whoohooo!