I like writing for magazines. I don't know why, but I do. Maybe because its once a month? But I have written a tiny bit for newspapers. The editors for those seem to be a bit more critical of humor, and 9 out of 10 are MALES and they don't want anything written on menopause, hair-do's and don'ts, and some even squash dieting articles. Go figure. They want political satire...yawn. Anyway, I'm thinking more about books and more mag articles.

I truly don't think anyone can take Erma's place. However, I would dearly love to crave out a niche of my own.

Believe it or not, I read very little other humorists work, other than an occasional article or so. I don't want my work influenced too much, so I stick to writing off the cuff and it also helps me NOT TO COMPARE.

I read a ton of writing books however, and I LOVE reading inspirational books. Self-help, etc. Things by people like Normal Vincent Peale, Wallace D. Wattles, Barbara Sher, just to name a few. I have over 500 books. I do sell some on occasion on Amazon. That's a pretty good biz if anyone is interested and its easy to do!

p.s. Can I say I've found a new speaker/humorist named Suzie Humphreys and I think she is going to be great! Can't wait to hear one of her CD's.