I posted the following in another forum, but thought I'd like to put it here, too: Hi all, I want to share something I don't often talk about. My book opens with my suicide attempt at the age of 25. I was told I was "a goner" for at least 2 minutes. I did not write about a near death experience because it is a profound personal experience that I had no words for at the time I was writing the book. And I explained EVERYTHING in my book, so to be at a loss for words says a lot about how difficult it is to talk about NDE. Eagle, and everyone else, I would like to share that when we transition, all there is is LOVE and LIGHT. That's all that matters. It's as simple as that. All of our hurts, resentments, pain, disappointments, etc. fade suddenly. All we are left with is love and light. If you've read my book, you know that my father sexually and otherwise abused me, and he committed suicide. Why would I want to "see" him again in his afterlife? I tell you, all that was left between us in those few minutes that I entered his world was LOVE. You may not want to hear this, but even those who have wronged you may become clear to you in the afterlife in their SOUL form, and it is all LOVE and LIGHT. (At least, that was my experience) If all we do in our lives is love ourselves and one another, then we have found our purpose in life. So why would I want to return to human form after glimpsing the afterlife? I did not want to, God wanted me to, and that is another matter for acceptance. It is enough if all we do is love, love, love. and light, Lynn