Unlike our Dianne, I HATE shoes. If I could go barefoot, or in slippers because I am a germ-a-phobe, I would. The most discomforting thing about the signing today was not the talking to people about their stories, but the SHOES I was wearing. These are low, low heeled micro-fiber pumps made by Easy Spirit. I was not even standing for that long but my feet and legs are killing me. Do you know how many pairs of shoes I buy but then don't know they are going to hurt until I wear them? I'd hate to return these. If I can't wear Easy Spirit low heeled pumps, then what can I wear? Last year, I bought a pair of low heeled sandals while visiting in Phoenix. I brought them with me to Pennsylvania. They were such simple sandals, but they hurt my feet. Well, I had to leave them there because I was not going to make it back to Phoenix to return them (since I lived in Missouri) So, you see, this is a national problem. I wore heels to get married in, on a bluff overlooking Lake Tahoe. My feet hurt so bad it nearly ruined my day! Come to think of it, I could have worn hiking boots. Oh, no, guess not. My husband and I like to hike. Before we were married, he bought me a pair of hiking boots from Eddie Bauer. Then we went hiking in the High Sierras. I got blisters and aches, but I didn't have the heart to tell him that even hiking boots hurt my feet. Oh well, I've got to walk the dogs now. I think I'll tough out my hurting feet and take a walk in my 10 year old Nikes. Why so old? Because when they fit and DON'T hurt my feet, I hang on to them.