Today I did a book signing between services and after the last service at the Unity Church in the Rockies. It was difficult because I know no one (just moved here 2 and a half months ago) and there was no one "rooting" for me. Signings go much better when a reader can say, "I read that book! It's great!" I sold only 3 copies, but that was 3 more than I would have sold had I stayed home. I also sold two pendants "A Drop for TEARS" (see website) People did come up to me to tell me their stories, and to ask advice. My advice is always the same: see a counselor. I had an easel and an erase board. After the first service, my easel said, "April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Read Beyond the Tears: A True Survivor's Story." Well, I sold 0 copies. Then during the second service, I changed the easel to read: "Be Inspired! Read Beyond the Tears: A True Story of Hope and Healing" and that's when I sold 3 copies. Not that I want to mislead anyone, but people are so afraid of the words abuse and assault. I didn't want them to think that is ALL the book is about.