I agree it is all very confusing but the issue is what is your relationship with the child and the parents?

With my son, the titles we use for people do not alwys relate to who they are to us by blood.

We have aunts and uncles that are so close to Johna and I we have lived our lives as brothers and sisters. These people, if wanted become aunts and uncles.

My parents did this and we got the jist of it as we got older. We knew who our reltives were but we also knew who was very close to our parents adn very close to us. Even today, these people are "part of our family".

If the kids are clsoe, make up a name , Nana, Mom-Mom, Me maw, MeMe, whatever you liek and be that. Your relationship will blossom and that is most important. To ousiders, you are Nana to these kids!

Just a thought
