Well Doc is pushing 60 and his girls are 17 and 19. He calls the woman their companion. They love to be kids and run about and he chooses to rest and relax so this woman, Lily does the running. She is kind of like a mom, probably in her 30's. Its sad but he is a very well thought of surgeon and seems nice but you know me, always sizing these men up. I did calmly mention to him that he said ME alot. He laughed and said he loves himself and why not he is wonderful, all the women want him, kids like him, hes rich, successful, a self made man and good looking. He said the last night I saw him at the lodge, "aw come on, you know you are impressed by me, tell the truth now." I said, "so you want the truth huh? Well Doctor in the time we have spent together, I have found you to be a braggard, egotistical, arrogant, smug, cocky, rude, and full of yourself. I wouldn't date you if it meant turning lesbian and before you come back with a smart remark, remember those beautiful fake teeth of yours and whether they are worth keeping." My granddaughter and his eldest daughter fell out laughing as I turned and walked away. This man is really out of control..

[ June 03, 2006, 06:11 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]