Ah, well-L, ye-ah...I mean, what kind of question is that? Yell-o? Isn't that a given? Everyyyyyybody knows he's alive and living in Arizona. Don't you ever eat at Burger Kings?

Okay, I think we have a good start for this questionaire, and SMILES did help to clear up a few things, but I for one want to see the mitre saw thing stay in, k? Also, it wouldn't hurt to find out if he can do plumbing... NO, not that kind...geeish, you women! The kind you need worked on in your bathrooms/kitchens. Just ask them how many Lowe's or Home Depots are located in their town. If they don't know, dump um.

I think the "do you lie" may be redundant anyway. I mean, you ask, "do you breathe?" and if they answer "yes" there you go...see? (This is fun...)

I think we should ask them at least ONCE if they've ever sat thru the entire movie, "Gone With the Wind." If the answer is no, dump um...