Chatty, you go girl. I would have done the very same thing. Woo-hoo!

Daisy, I liked the escape plan. There's nothing like a girlfriend who will scoop you out of danger.

Ari, very scary. I would have been petrified. How did you sleep at night?

Mustang, your idea of bar codes is perfect. How long before you can set that in motion?

Jawjaw, you have a knack for making anything funny! Mind telling us the guys first name? I have a feeling it was a doozy... Was it Earl, or Bubba?

I've been married to the love of my life for 26 years. I am so far removed form these stories, but I love hearing them. I have a single friend who meets men online. I LOVE having lunch with her. I get a peek at a world that is so foreign to me.

BE SAFE ladies! Where are all the nice single men who don't have wicked histories?