Eye to Eye wasn't what he was counting on. What a jerk Chatty! Okay girls, you've asked for it. Back by popular demand... and I do backyard parties and BBQ's too.

I'll give you the short version.

Had a date with a guy from high school that I hadn't seen in 30+ years. A "friend" set us up. He shows up in my driveway coming to a screaching halt in a brand new corvette...I'm thinking, okay, I can deal with this. Then he opens his mouth.

He is a Viet Nam vet who lives off of disability because he claims he is shell shocked. He did everything but admit right out to me there was nothing wrong, but he loved the 5000 thousand a month he got from the government. And...if they ever threatened to take it away, he would simply do something like poked a hole in his wall at home and they would declare him unfit, and his checks kept coming.

The first words out of his mouth when we left for the date were "let's go spin some of YOUR money." I of course looked puzzled AND scared, then he said, "Well, the way I see it...you work, I don't. The government take taxes out of your check to pay ME each month, so in essence, we are spending YOUR money."

I suffered thru the B O R I N G evening with him talking on and on about himself, NEVER even asking me where I worked, or if I was a serial killer (which crossed my mind) or if I had children, nutin. Not one thing.

The next day when he called and asked me out again, I said, "don't think so...We don't have anything in common." He was shocked and called me every name in the book except a good hunting dog...I ain't lying.

Two days later, he sent me a dozen roses apologizing, asking me to reconsider. When I said not NO, AND GO AWAY, he asked me to pay for my half of the dinner from the date. Since he had eaten HALF of my dinner that night AFTER he had eaten HIS entire dinner, and then had dessert, I asked him which half he wanted me to pay for, the half he had eaten, or the half of the half I had eaten...

I finally had to threaten to have my sons visit him to get him to leave me alone...and trust me, they would have.

This guy is brilliant, a member of Menza, and could have done anything he wanted with his life. Instead he chose to be a bum (in my estimation)

And this is the short version...as I told Louisa, he is about as useful as a bucket under a bull.